FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, the app is 100% yours as long as your account is active.
We pride ourselves in making it easy for creators to get into the app store quickly and start testing out their ideas, instead of wasting money and time sometimes 6-12 months on a fully custom ground up app and about $15,000 – $25,000 on expensive app design when you’re not even sure if you will sell enough to make back your investment or if your users will pay, or if your content is worth it.
Why not get into the app store first, and put your content out there (not the free stuff only but the paid stuff and see, there is all this money you could be collecting right away instead of sitting down and waiting for a social media site to pay you an advertising cut only on stuff you gave away for free).
Even if you had only 1000 users, what if you could make something for them to watch that costs 1.99. e.g a comedian doing free 30 sec skits on instagram, If he does this for 1 month he could have a 20 minute full feature comedy show that his fans would pay for.
The creativity is now in your hands, think of it like you have your own cable TV network/netflix/itunes inside an app. You can put as many channels as you want and you can charge for what ever you want. Mix up free and paid stuff as you wish.
Its all up to you, you can charge for anything you wish or leave it all for free.
There are multiple ways you can charge.
- Charge for video content on a specific video e.g a full length video or premium video content you’ve created and don’t want to give away for free.
- You can charge an overall subscription for a set of video items in your app. e.g a series or a select set of videos you want to make available all inclusive if a user say subscribes for 4.99/month.
- You can also charge for merchandise if you have the merch module.
- You can charge for tickets for your events if you have the events module. You can also link to a third party ticket site if the tickets must be sold through an external ticket provider.
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